How to return your order

  • Step 1

    If you want to return or exchange your order please let us know.

    Send an e-mail to with the following information: 

    1 I The article you want to return ( name + color)
    2 I Order number 
    3 I The reason for your return or your exchange
    4 I Your name + first name

    Submit your request.
  • Step 2

    After you have submitted your request for a return or exchange. We'll send you a confirmation. Please the follow guidelines in this approval of return or exchange, in order tot smoothly return us your purchase

    Got questions?
  • Step 3

    Upon receiving your return, we'll do a quality check of the garments you would like to return or exchange.

    An exchange or refund is processed within 7 days after arrival at our headquarters. A refund will be made towards the payment method you initially checked out with. An exchange will be sent to the delivery address mentioned in your account. For EU exchanges, we cover the return shipping cost. However, if you return an item without exchanging, a return shipping fee will apply

    We're here to help.