How to return your order

  • Step 1

    If you want to return or exchange your order please let us know.

    Send an e-mail to with the following information: 

    1 I The article you want to return ( name + color)
    2 I Order number 
    3 I The reason for your return or your exchange
    4 I Your name + first name

    Submit your request.
  • Step 2

    After you have submitted your request for a return or exchange. We'll send you a confirmation. Please the follow guidelines in this approval of return or exchange, in order tot smoothly return us your purchase.

    Got questions?
  • Step 3

    Upon receiving your return, we'll do a quality check of the garments you would like to return or exchange.

    An exchange or refund is processed within 7 days after arrival at our headquarters. A refund will be made towards the payment method you initially checked out with. An exchange will be sent to the delivery address mentioned in your account.

    We're here to help.